Finally, my first post!
Welcome to my blog, Avocadosec! This blog is hosted on Github Pages using the minimal mistakes theme which I have configured with Jekyll.
I have set up blogs similar to this in the past although I have never really posted on them due to the maintenance of hosting a server and well….coming up with things I want to post about.
To create this blog I used the Github-Pages guide to walk through creating the repository with the correct settings. Additionally, the links at the bottom of that page are great for reference! Up next was creating a shell for my blog. To do this, I cloned and changed directories into the repository I created and ran jekyll new .
to populate all of the necessary configuration files. You can read more about this in the jekyll docs. Finally, I followed the Minimal Mistakes quick-start guide to configure the remote theme and customize the default settings.
All things considered, even though I don’t have to worry about hosting a server and the maintenance that comes with it, I was able to learn more about Ruby outside of my tinkering with metasploit modules.
Thats all for now. I hope to create posts about information security, DIY projects, and things that I have picked up along the way that has enhanced my technical skills. Thanks for visiting!